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Membership shall be open to any person who subscribes to the purposes and aims of the Constitution and By-Laws, and upon joining shall be considered to have undertaken and agreed to promote and carry out the objects of the club. 

Membership shall be limited to: 

  • All Terrain Vehicles with one (1) membership per bike.

  • $108.50 - Groom trails

  • $52.00 - Non-groomed trails 

  • $10 goes to the NB ATV Federation, the remainder to PTB

  • $10  - for a family member who wishes to vote

  • Anyone over the age of 18 must purchase a membership


The fiscal year will run from April 1st to March 31st. 

Dues for members shall be set by resolution of the Board of Directors and approved at an Executive meeting. Payment of membership dues is due on or before December 31st of each year.


The name of any member may be removed from the Club's register upon passing of a resolution by at least two-thirds (65%) of the votes cast at a special meeting: removal caused by non-payment of dues or misconduct.


At all meetings, each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote, and may not vote by proxy. Each question shall be decided by a "yes" or "no" vote unless a secret ballot is requested by a member.

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